Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Mouse or Lion?

Medieval Mickey Mouse; amazing what you'll find while looking through archaeology sites for entirely different things.

To balance my past ranting about the difficulties of researching without the benefits of an institution backing you, I'd like to mention how glorious it is to research whatever I feel like. And talk about inter-disciplinary! I've been all over the map (including back to long-neglected astronomy; side note: Celestia is the coolest freeware ever).

I've added the main public library to my list of resources, though I've not mastered using their system yet. They only have a few things on the shelves; you have to find things in the (rather antiquated) catalog and then send a member of staff to go fetch it for you. I'd rather browse. And it seems a great waste of paper; I hope they at least recycle the request slips.

I spent a whole day in there and didn't answer any of the questions I'd come in with but learned lots about tangential matters. If I was working on a paper with a deadline this would a distressing lack of progress. As it is, the stuff I learned was cool and so it's only mildly annoying that I've made no progress on my main topic.

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