Thursday, 7 February 2008


I've become a latte drinker. How did that happen? And we're not talking froofy caramel lattes and cinnamon lattes cause I've drunk those for years. That's the thing, my "coffee" drinks are usually rather extravagant affairs with milk and espresso as just the beginning before adding all sorts of sugars and flavorings. But coffee is even more expensive in the UK than the US and while it is almost necessary for using the internet, it's been necessary to cut back on extravagance. So I've been learning the joys of a simple latte. I've even weaned my way down from two sugars to one.

Now to any of those of you with a practical streak down to the marrow who are tempted to point out that it would be cheaper still to get plain coffee, I will point out an odd fact about most Scottish cafes. They don't have drip coffee. Yes, you heard me. They don't have it. If you ask for a coffee, you're either going to get an Americano or a latte. So yes, I could order tea for about 20 pence less than my lattes; but I can't make lattes this good at home (warming milk in a pan and stirring in some instant coffee just doesn't come close) and I can make a good cup of tea for about 4 pence total; 8 pence if it's chai. And really; do you know how much tea they serve around here?

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