Friday, 22 February 2008

Continued Glasgow Weather Reports

I have to say, coming out to the internet today has be a sign of either dedication or insanity. Or a bit of both. In addition to continuing winds--sometimes gale force, sometimes dying down to merely gusty--this morning we got hail. The pieces weren't that big--pea sized mostly, or a little bigger. But there were hundreds hitting my window all at once, on and on, with all the force of that wind. Crazy.

Well, the wind dyed down to gusty and the hail storm blew over (or took a break) a little after noon and I saw my chance. I stuck anything non-waterproof into plastic bags before packing it away in the laptop bag and made my dash to the QM...only to find that the union's WiFi is on the fritz again! So after a half hour of troubleshooting it was out into the wind again (by this time there was actual blue sky!) and now I'm in one of my favorite coffee shops right off Ashton Lane. I love their coffee, but their WiFi deal is not as good as others (coffee gets you a voucher for 58min and counting...) so I'll have to make yet another dash in a little while and hope I can get a good seat in the Hillhead library...but there's only one set of wallplugs so I'll likely be limited by battery power...

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