I keep forgetting to mention, amidst all the weaving posts, but Ron and I have our first car! It's not much of a looker (though it's not bad, I think the picture actually flatters it) and it makes funny noises, but it runs and it's ours. We've decided it should be measured in gerbils (perhaps kilo-gerbils) rather than horsepower.
Finding insurance was looking scary there for a while. Though we're not teenagers, we get a lot of the same mark ups for being newly licensed drivers (or I will, once I get my license. I will get my license!) Luckily I remembered something. You see, though I'm not licensed yet, the trick was to insure the car through me. Thank goodness for USAA. They totally rock.
Having a car that's ours has definitely improved life. The car shuffle was definitely straining tempers. Though in truth I find it a little disturbing that life couldn't run smoothly in a household of 5 adults until we had 4 working cars between us (I'm the one without my own). But I suppose that's not fair. A big part of the problem is having the toddler and teenagers that also have places to go. (Yes, toddlers have places to go: the park, the petting zoo, music class, the beach, story time at the library...anywhere that isn't the house at times.) Anyway, it's not an issue now that we have a car for the two of us. Yay transportation!
Yay, car! Though I can't imagine were you find room to park four cars at that house...
It does take some creativity. Two in the driveway, usually, and several along the fence. Ghost is ailing right now and on sick leave so it's actually 5 cars. Plus frequent visitors. Sometimes we have to park further up the street. Luckily our car and Elf's car are quite small and Pony's not bad either.
I'm getting lots of practice with 3 point turns and parallel parking living here. Plus mountain driving. There's nothing quite like learning to drive on the 17...funny how two of my friends have had much the same experience. And of course the boys will have it too.
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