Monday, 6 September 2010

Another Blog

I've started another blog. Why? Because this way I can have a place to yammer on about my crafts and SCA research without boring my friends and family to tears, and also have a place with my research on SCA stuff I can refer other people to without knowing they'll also see my blog entries about my daily life. Not that one group can't seek out the other blog, but at least you'll know what you're getting yourself into if you do.

Here it is, rashly named Playing With String before I thought about including research on things like Pictish names as well. But, in truth, it will probably mostly be about string projects, so I think it'll be fine. You'll notice the url is actually "kitten with string," a nice little reference back to this blog (especially since was taken).

Anyway, feel free to follow both if you want to continue to hear my adventures with string and wire and twine and whatnot.

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