Friday, 3 December 2010

Application Away

After much frantic work, days of rewrites and late nights of editing, I sent in my application to the creative writing fellowship at Stanford. I've been dreaming about this fellowship for years, before I'd even moved back to the bay area. At last I've actually applied. If I got it, it would mean two whole years of being able to do nothing but ply my craft, writing novels. I even know which ones I would finish first.

So keep your fingers crossed. Many will enter, only five will win. It feels a little like fiction writer's lotto.

Love and thanks to everyone who was an extra set of eyes as I did the last frantic days of proofreading!

I have to admit to some humor (and occasional exasperation) as different people's views of grammar, comma usage, style etc came into conflict over proofreading. One person said I was abstaining from commas and had me add scores of the things (I refused a fair few, but added quite a number). The next person to set eyes on it said I sprinkled commas in like salt! One short paragraph drew particular attention--the grammar was wrong but, debatably, within the bounds of poetic license. Firm lines were drawn up with two for and two or three against. In the end, I yielded the field and fixed the grammar. I don't think the feel of the scene suffered too much for it!


A Life Long Scholar said...

Good luck! It does sound a little like a lottery, but if you don't enter you don't have a chance, and it is based on a bit more than random chance. May your writing be what the judges want to see this time!

Caelainn said...
