Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Teaching is exhausting. And hard. And exhausting.

Get up. Go to work. Make last minute photocopies. Look over lesson plan. Teach. Supervise recess. Teach more. Supervise lunch. Teach. Supervise recess. Teach very restless kids. Greet parents as they come for their kids 7 hours later. Supervise afterschool kids for another hour and half. Have something go wrong so I have to go home even later. Ride home. Eat dinner in a haze. Realize it has become 7pm. Frantically prepare lesson plan and worksheets and handouts and activities for the next day. Fall into uneasy unconsciousness far later than is a good idea. Possibly wake in the middle of the night for more preparations.

Rinse. Repeat.

And that's without the minute by minute attempts to coax kids who would rather be swimming or playing to write hour after hour at writing camp.

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