Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Morning Travels and Trials

This morning I did something really impressive. I got up with my first alarm clock at 7am. Why? Because I wanted to go download drivers for my camera so I could pull the pictures off the memory stick so I would be able to take new pictures in Edinburgh today. So I got up at 7 all motivated, cooked breakfast (fed some to Ron who then went back to sleep for the half hour till he has to get up) and headed out to find an internet cafe...

First problem, Glasgow is *not* a city that never sleeps. And they don't seem to believe in having a cup a coffee to wake up before work either. I tried my closest regular haunts first which took me down to Great Western Rd, back across Bank St and then down Gibson St. Well, that took out five potential WiFi spots, but I had hope. I was sure iCafe and the Bay Tree Cafe both opened around 7 so back I went to trek further down Great Western. Neither Bay Tree nor iCafe were open. Most of these places don't actually post their hours but iCafe was nice enough to tell me I was a full hour early by this point since they open at 8:30. Well, since I was that far down Great Western I decided to slog onwards to check Bean Scene (the one by the M8 now being closer than the one on Ashton Ln I usually frequent. So, I hiked down Great Western to the M8...except Bean Scene, I recalled belatedly, isn't on Great Western, it's on Gibson St. Now for the non-Glasweigians in the audience, Great Western and Gibson St steadily diverge, so what was three blocks apart on my first zig and four apart on my next zag was now significantly more. And nor was there a single cross street leading from one to the other. So I cut down myriad little residential streets (discovering on the way the last remnents of what must have been a grand square in the 19th century...and one of the new buildings had some funny art I'd loved to have taken a picture of and posted here--if only I'd had a working camera!) until I finally rejoined Gibson St. At last I came to Bean Scene and--wow!--they were open.

So here I am...but, alas, Sony tells me my camera is incompatible with Vista.

That'll teach me to get up early!

1 comment:

Kareina said...


Getting up early isn't the problem, the problem is then trying to accomplish something that involves other people first thing in the morning!

I recommend choosing early morning projects you can accomplish all by yourself, you will feel much better about your day! ;-)