Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Thought for the Morning

I know that waking at quarter to eight and making it out the door at last by quarter to nine should not feel like the crack of dawn. I am, however, not a morning person at all and have been free to sleep in recently and so it does. But it is an interesting (that's one word for it anyway) fact of living in the north in winter that walking out the door at quarter to nine is, more or less, dawn (though not the-crack-of). Pink sky blurring into peach into white into pale aqua-blue. Dawn. Even at nine-thirty the horizon still glowed with the remnants of peach, though most of the sky had given in and admitted it was solidly "day."

Another interesting thing. BBC Radio has a short "thought for the day" slot in its morning programme. We have a radio alarm clock so I usually listen to this in various states of wakefulness. I must add, for context, that most Brits I know consider America to be a far more "Christian nation" than Britain, despite the supposed separation of church and state in the US. But the "thought for the day" is invariably Christian in outlook; it might be directly about Christianity or it might be a Christian take on environmental stewardship or other such issues. But it's always Christian. On Sundays they broadcast a church service--moving the chosen church location all over Britain from Sunday to Sunday, though I assume it is always Church of England (Church of Scotland probably qualifies too). It's rather nice but distinctly odd living somewhere with an official state religion (well, nice because it's my religion. But it's certainly good it's not a required thing!). Well that was my thought for the day about the thought for the day.


Meg said...

Prague/Czech Republic is the same... strange. The mass in Czech is interesting... same cadence, different language. NOT latin. It must be interesting in a country where there's a national language.

I'd be much more astute about the whole thing, but I think I left my brain in Northern California. Maybe in the library.

Caelainn said...

If you left your brain in the library will you find it in lost and found when you get back? Or will they make you check it out and keep renewing it lest you face late fees?