Friday, 21 September 2007

Sitting in Offshore

I suppose I should have started this as soon as I set foot on "shore" again, because already I have a lot to catch up on and I'm only just beginning!
In case you didn't hear or guess already, I arrived in Glasgow safe and sound back on Sept 10. No problems with border control, but I'm only here as a visitor which means I can't work. My return is scheduled for mid-January but in reality life is very up in the air right now so that is somewhat subject to change. The plan is to play housewife, help Ron get job apps out, keep immigration papers moving, try to get some academic publications and finally write some fiction of my own. Oh, and maybe volunteer with the Red Cross (long story, more later if I get that far). And maybe GM a short game of Serenity.
Highlights so far:
Ron. Oh my, actually being in the same place as my husband! Yay! Woohoo!!
Museum of Scotland. Ron and I took the train over to Edinburgh and, being a loving husband, he let me dominate the trip with exploring the ancient and medieval Scotland sections of the museum. They have a huge collection of Pictish stones including the Hilton of Cadboll stone which I've been trying to study through bad photos for years. It boasts the best (arguably only non-biblical) depiction (no pun intended) of a Pictish woman from the extant stones. I still don't have an answer to the puzzle of what the curve above her hands is, nor solved the debate of hair versus hair-covering, but it was still very exciting to see in person. I had no idea how huge that particular stone is; I could really have used a ladder to see the woman properly. Plus I now have two more potential-women to contemplate. And the museum curators seem to come down on the ogam debate translating "dttrr" as "daughter" which lends credence to the Norse-written-in-ogam theory and gives another possibly Pictish/Picto-Norse feminine name: Nectudadd or something along that line. The "Nectu-" certainly points to Pictish origin or influence but "dottir" or "daughter" would indicate a Norse/Germanic naming pattern...I'm getting carried away aren't I?
Glasgow Uni's Fresher's Fair. I got drafted to work the GUGS (gaming society) table in the Fresher's Fair for all three days (about 6 1/2 hours a day) and that was fun and exhausting. The third day was very slow and I wandered the other stalls a bit and signed up for a few things (including Red Cross volunteering). Among other things, I saw there is a new society this year: The Chivalric Dream Society. It turns out they are a sort of daughter society from a society that split off from the SCA. Their fighting style sounds closest to "sidesword" which has not been generally approved in the SCA yet (next closest would be fencing, but I'm worried I might learn bad "habits" from them, like slashing moves.) Anyway, I may check them out if I have time. At the very least it could be fun to hang out and learn some chainmail making and leather working (which they advertised). I was going to go on the Tower tour but, as usual, it was canceled due to bad weather. I've still never been up, and the tours are over for the year. So the questions remains: shall I ever climb Glasgow Uni's tower?
Friends! Yay! Friends! I've gotten to catch up with Johanna, Molly, Brian, Janet and many more wonderful residents of Glasgow, which has been grand. Molly's pulling me into her Harry Potter game which begins tomorrow. I'm playing an American pure-blood who has come overseas to Hogwarts because it is more snooty and prestigious. She'll be in Slitherin for sure. (Grin.)
Library. I sent a lengthy email detailing all the reasons it would be absolutely awesome if I could study in Glasgow's library as an independent scholar. And now they've said "yes"! Yay! Books! Lots and lots of Celtic and Medieval Studies books! Whee!
Well, my internet access consists of using Ron's laptop (thus denying him access) either in the limited hours of the public library or by paying for coffee drinks in one of the internet cafes. Today's method is the latter, and my beloved is with me and wants his turn, so I'll have to call it a day.

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